Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Mid Life Crisis? Moi?

Don't you just hate the term 'mid-life crisis'? So I've reached mid-life and feel like shaking things up a bit? So what! I think people should be applauded for trying new things, especially as they get older.

Couch 2 Running in the Rain.
I've used the phrase. Usually applying it to middle-aged men who buy a convertible Porsche or have affairs with younger women. But in truth, the fact declared someone is having a mid-life 'crisis' says more about me than the person I'm referring to. In the sense that, a) I'm jealous of someone who gets a Porsche b) I'm disgusted by men who break up their families for 'a grass is greener' affair.

I'm going to call my latest 'mission' to run a 10k race then a half-marathon, a 'mid-life epiphany'. In your 20s and 30s it's all too common to be oblivious to your health. After all, at that age we feel invincible and take our young, resilient cells off clubbing two nights in a row, binge drinking and non-stop dancing. One feels life is far too short to be a hamster on a treadmill for hours in the gym while television screens belt out culturally-challenged music videos when we could be socialising.

As Britain is slowly waking up to an obesity epidemic, these last few months of a new eating and fitness regime for me has slowly wrenched me from a toxic existence. I now get itchy if I don't go for a run or exercise. My body feels awkward and bloated if I indulge in excessive sugar, fat and alcohol. I haven't denied myself foods I love, merely introduced lower calorie meals which float my boat in the same way.

It's clear we need a new mindset towards our health to emerge in our society. We know very well from oodles of medical evidence we should be balancing our diet and exercising at ANY age. The gap between the 'health conscious' and the 'health oblivious' is widening, making it harder to educate those who should be looking after their bodies better. Those who don't engage in regular exercise, for example, sometimes feel intimidated by gyms and classes. We need to examine more why healthy eating and physical fitness can't become as natural to most as buying the morning paper or putting the kettle on?

I'm only two months into this journey. The proof that changing a mindset for life is still out there. But initial results are looking good. I've lost 12lb and several inches from my waist and hips, without joining an expensive gym or diet club. The latter for me is the biggest achievement, as I feel I have taken sole control of changing my habits and sticking to my new routine. There's few excuses for major deviations now, as I have also proved I can fit it all around life with kids, work, volunteering and running a household.

For more on my progress plus my recommended tried & tested (non-sponsored) tools to support weight loss & fitness visit: www.fitfaband40.co.uk


  1. There is something about reaching midlife that makes it different to the thought of midlife when you are young.
    Totally with you on the change we get towards our health.
    Glad it is all going to plan. x

    1. Thanks! I most certainly don't feel as old as 'mid-life' appeared when I was younger. :-)


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